Hey there !
After more than a year, Soul's Team Iron Chef is back for it's 8th edition.
Remember last year's winning team was the H.B.F.S team : Oro$hi, Creed, Nyala and Angelface and now they are organising the contest !
Since we're not gonna change the rules that made their proves, we're keeping the last contest's concept... But we're going to add something to it...
Because this year you're not going to be able to hide behind your team-mates anymore...
24/02/2012 (7pm GMT) au 27/02/2012 (23:59 GMT).
Like last year, you have 3 days to edit your video and the music pack will be given by the judges on day D.
VIDEO OUTPUT :Video codec : x264, xvid, dvix.
Audio codec : mp3, AAC, wav.
Containers : mp4, avi, mkv
Minimum length : 2min
TO BE AVOID :- Low resolution
- Subtitles and any fansubs or anime logo
- Steeling from others amv's
◄ GENERAL CONCEPT :The rules of the iron chef is to edit a video personnaly in 3 days following the rules below.
This year we're mostly keeping the same concept as in iron chef 7 with some minor changes :
Everything is by 3 : You made a team of 3 editors, they are 3 different rankings (solo, team and category ranking), they are 3x2 categories and the contest will be organised & judged by 3 judges (Creed, Nyala and Angelface)
But this year only 1 person will be the iron master, the winner of the SOLO RANKING !!
The iron-master gains the right to organise the Soul's Team Iron Chef 9 by his rules.
PROCEDURE AND REGISTRATION :The editors will have to register as a team of 3 persons and only this way which mean that you CANNOT register alone.
Each of these 3 editors must choose one category within the 6 categories that they want to edit.
Once they choose their category they'll have 3 days from the time the music are give to edit an amv...
RANKING MODE :- SOLO RANKING : Basicelly, the ranking for solo warriors who will make the best amv from all of the videos in each categories mixed ?
The winner of this category is the IRON MASTER !
- TEAM RANKING : Who will be the best team of 3 ?
This ranking is the average of each editors results from the team they are in, and maybe the iron master could be in the worst team ?
- CATEGORY RANKING : Action, Romance, Upbeat etc...
You think you're the best in your style ? Prove it on the pitch !
Action : Dynamic clips, fight scenes, hard style, Shonens.. You know what i'm talking about
Fun : Funny clips, Cute stuff, Parody ... Make us laugh !!
Dance/Upbeat : Disco, techno, nostromo style various... Dancing time !!
Psychedelic/Horror : Scary clips, Weirdo stuff... Artistic maybe ?
Romance / Drama : It can be either good or bad but it must be made with love :3... Fuck it kill this bitch !
Atmosphere : Amv's about the world, nature, Amv's that makes you wanna fly and feel the atmosphere ... It's new so i'll give some example : (Hello world- Oro$hi, Earth Guardian- Ation, Solex - West...)
Ok, so now you know the rules... they are no restrictions about level EVERYONE can participate as long as they have a team of 3.
This contest is internationnal so you'd better register good teams for your country otherwise you're just gonna flop !
You also have to come up with a team name and a team poster which is farly recomanded to impress your opponents !!
10 DAYS TO REGISTER SO BETTER HURRY UP AND REGISTER CLICKING THE LINK BELOW :https://souls-team.1fr1.net/t4041-soul-s-team-iron-chef-viii-triumvirat-rules#121122