Hi dear viewer! Can I ask you for a favor? Don't break my heart by pausing it, please dedicate 4 minutes to watching this video and I promise I tried my best so you won't regret it. ♡
My ST IC XVI Drama/Romance entry. You're welcome to cry with me. No spoilers by the way, I completely ignored the original story of the anime and made my own:
While these Haruki & Sakura used to be best friends, she gave him a book, "The Little Prince", to always remind him of her and their friendship. In the present they aren't friends anymore because Sakura ended up liking Haruki, who didn't feel the same. The AMV starts here, Haruki reads a book and re-lives all the memories with Sakura, from the moment they met to the moment he last saw her. Finally, the last scenes suggest a different world, Sakura's imagination, in which she & Haruki are in paradise, where everything is perfect. She's in that world only for a moment before it disappears. Her paradise isn't real.
Some people told me the text on the phone is random - it's not, a few moments later, the voiceover comes in that says exactly that.
All 4 quotes in order of appearance:
- "No"
- "Good to know, just making sure"
- "Enough..."
- "Spending time with you is so much fun" (text message)
If you are familiar with my channel, you probably know that editing 4 minutes for an IC is normal for me when editing drama, but this time I was flashing BIOS and screwing (with) my pc during the IC to make the GPU work, and edited half of this on Microsoft Basic... I'm really happy that I managed to finish in time and insert almost everything I wanted to.
Shoutout to my ENP Trash Cans team, SliceofLife & Liar! You did great!
Nicole's video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMNBO...(Safe mode off. You're reading the rest of this description at your own disclosure. Get ready for a lot of bitterness.)
Once again I tried to take everything out through an AMV, but honestly I don't think it can be done in just one video. I have too much anger with the way this world works, too much anger with people... Perhaps it's the blind hope, our own expectations that brick the path to disappointment. Even after I finished, the way certain people treated this video before it was even public made me angry... and sad. I was considering not releasing it. After all this time, I should have learned not to care, but it's so hard. I always pour my heart into my videos, that is why I can't edit that often... I would also like to say that I am so thankful to the people who understand me, you know who you are. But it really sucks if you put your video into someone's hand, and they throw it on the ground. (Lonely Island reference intentional.)
That's why I named it "Paradise". It's a world I wouldn't be so angry with.
My favourite line of this song is "You were my life but life is far away from fair".
This AMV is sort of a sequel to my "El Mentiroso", so if you liked this, you might like that one as well. Follow this link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTDXQ...Team ENP TRASH CANS, ST IC XVI 2020.
Special thanks to: Liar, SliceofLife, DanParthenis, GoldenThunder, E_01, xKouhai
Thumbnail made by: Amne /
https://www.deviantart.com/amne-artsR. I. P. My monitor, PSU and GPU. You will be remembered.