(I highly recommend headphones for watching it, so you will can appreciate the details)
Thanks to Redrum for his tips, without his help I couldn't have made this project. I always like to make something different and testing genres that are out of my comfort zone in the IC contest.
It's the first time that I try a psychedelic AMV but I would want to do it. I think that is very important making a good atmosphere, that's why I focused on it, but I'd have liked to make it better because I can improve it, but I had no time. The first day I searched scenes and I cutted it. The second day I added the scenes to the timeline and made the video and outro. The last day I changed some clips and I added correction color, effects and basic camera moves.
I really learned a lot in theses 72 hours and I'm quite happy. That's all, I hope you enjoy it!
Anime: Grisaia no Kajitsu, Grisaia no Meikyuu, Grisaia no Rakuen
Music: Synaecide - Sculped Lens
Programms used: Photoshop, Sony Vegas 12, After Effects CS6