Haha that anime is so crazy! xD
To be honest I must say I couldn't really find out what you synced in this video :S
Sometimes you chose the beats, sometimes the lyrics, sometimes neither.
Also I saw much lipflap, I know it's annoying, but those mouths want to be shut ;D
I think it is a pity you invested too much time in this moving screen, because therefore the rest of the amv lacked of a changing cut or a proper sync when the song changed I suppose.
I would just recommend that you focus on the cut and the impacts of the song more next time, so that you can uphold the flow you created.
And pleeease! Don't cut the song like that! xD
Don't get me wrong, but for me it ruined the whole ending. Replace the middle of the song by the end or something, get a proper end to it, but don't just cut off the rest of the song and fade it out, so that you have your 2minutes for the contest.
Arrrgh sorry mate, I didn't mean to sound that evil! Just my thoughts.^^
Overall a nice anime-song combo!
I wish you best of luck!