Yo! Okay so Here is my IC for NT, The first 3 days were alright I had aprox 1:10 done the last day was horrible I had no sleep on the 3rd night going onto fourth day and i was very slow, Editing the remaining 50 sec took me so long then it should have taken it was a very slow damn day, the deadline was approaching (7hrs) and i still had another 30 seconds. Throughout that 7hrs I managed to get only 2 seconds done it was horrible my mind was all over the place i was so damn tired but luckily we had an extra 5 hour extension i was able to rush the end and do a quick finnish -.- otherwise my amv is very random there are alot of cheating scenes in here although I'm quite happy with the result xD
Not bad clip, it lacks fluidity in the transitions/clip movement most of the time but overhall it was quite cool even if i hate the song and i find some of the footage unapropriate some ideas are interesting.