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 [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale

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Male Messages : 49
Age : 32
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2013-02-11

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PostSubject: [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale   [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Icon_minitimeTue 6 Mar 2018 - 0:09

[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale F1kxn7

Name: Tsundere Battle Royale
Editor: Geingel
Team: Break The Limit
Category: Fun
Anime: Hidan no Aria, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?, Shakugan no Shana & Toaru Kagaku no Railgun | Toaru Majutsu no Index
Song: TobyMac - Eye On It
Programs: Sony Vegas 7 & Adobe After Effects CS5
DD: Link AMV Org

If you can't be better, be different. Having this is mind I came with this idea.
The good about ICs is that because of it's limited time you can do something complex with flows and it's okay. Otherwise doing this concept would cost me a lot and I wouldn't be able to explode much more.
This way I gather together Aria, Misaka, Haruna and Shana. 4 powerful tsunderes ready to give everything they have and demonstrate who of them will win in a battle royale. The fight will be tough but it will be worth value.
I hope you like it and that it may raise a smile on you. I warn you that the tsunderes may be too much to take in, so be careful. I fear that the UN may came after me for doing this.

Si no puedes ser mejor se diferente. Así en vez de pensar algo simple de realizar me vino esta idea.
Lo bueno de los ICs es que al ser de tiempo limitado puedes hacer algo complejo con errores y está bien. De otra forma realizar esta idea me hubiera costado mucho y tampoco le hubiese podido sacar mucho más jugo.
De esta forma reúno a Aria, Misaka, Haruna y Shana. 4 poderosas tsunderes dispuestas a darlo todo y demostrar quien de estas gana en un battle royale. La lucha será dura, pero merecerá la pena.
Espero que os guste y que os saqué una sonrisa. Aviso que las tsunderes pueden ser demasiado, tener cuidado. Yo tengo miedo que la ONU me persiga por haber hecho esto y todo.
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Male Messages : 1336
Registration date : 2009-02-05

[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale   [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Icon_minitimeMon 19 Mar 2018 - 19:20


So the big problem of your amv its dat is a succession of close-up plan with fade transitions.. I can't see any good scene selection, and even if you have one, it destroyed cuz of this mix of 1 sec clip compressed in 100 fade/slide transi :/

Look :
[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Giphy

[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Giphy

I was really lost when I was watching your video. And the other big prob its dat there is no variation, its always the same crazy debit of scene, on the verse and on the chorus so in the end its really hard to watch until the end.

The variation on this part wasnt dat bad but it became too static passed those few secs..
[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Giphy

I hope you understand. So my advice and the other judges' for your next work : try to give more visibilty to your video, and pay attention to the variation of the music, its important Razz

Don't give up and Good continuation Geingel !
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Male Messages : 49
Age : 32
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2013-02-11

[Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale   [Fun][Break The Limit - Geingel] Tsundere Battle Royale Icon_minitimeTue 20 Mar 2018 - 15:36

Now that you explained I realized my mistake with the close-up scenes. Sorry for the fades, I end up with little time to work the transitions.
I did work the different parts of the song, I got it divided in many parts but looks like they end up looking the same. Next time I'll be sure to make it perfectly noticeable.
Merci beaucoup. It helped a lot.
See you.
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